PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Customer Setup Instructions for Versign’s PayFlowPro

Create a Products Order from Administration


1.      Read chapter of Administrator Manual titled “Order Features in Detail”.

2.      Go to Site Administration Menu.

3.      Click on the Order add button located in the Transaction Mgmt. section.

4.      Search for Contacts page is displayed.  Using this page, either select a contact or create a new one.  For an explanation how to do this, read tutorials titled “Enter a Contact” and “Enter a Company”.

5.      Once a Contact has been selected or a new Contact record created and saved, a prompt is displayed to select if the Order is being placed on behalf of the Organization/Business or the Individual.  Click either Organization/Business or Individual.

6.      On the Order Management page enter Bill To and Ship To information.  There are choices for entering this:

a.       Manually enter the data.

b.      Click on Retrieve Home.  This will copy the Contact’s Home Address, Email and Phone number.  You may change the retrieved information.

c.       Click on Retrieve Office.  This will copy the Contact’s Office Address, Email and Phone number.  You may change the retrieved information.

7.      If applicable, set Financial Status to “Approved”.  The other option is to leave it set to the default value of “Pending”.  This choice is dependent on the business practices and policies of your organization.  The payment entry and payment approval processes can be used to update the Order’s Financial Status to “Approved” or “Declined”.

8.      Select Terms from the drop down list. 

9.      If “Pre-Paid” is selected for Terms, select a Payment Type from the drop down list.

10.  If applicable, enter a purchase order number into P.O. # field.

11.  If default Order Date is not correct, change the Order Date.

12.  If applicable, enter the salesperson’s ID or select a name from the drop down list.

13.  If applicable, select Placed By selection from drop down list box.  The selections include “Internet”, “Phone”, “FAX”, “Mail”, and “Other”.

14.  Click on Add Item. 

15.  Using the Add to Order Product Search, search and select an Item.

16.  Using the Search for Product Items locate and select an Item. 

17.  Using the Add Item to Order Management page, either accept the default price and quantity or change them, then click the Add button to update the Order.

18.  Repeat the previous four steps to add additional Items.

19.  Set the Shipping Options then click the Calculated Shipping & Tax button.

20.  When finished with the data entry, click the Process button.  This does two things:

a.       If Pre-Paid Terms are selected, it displays the Payment Entry page.  Enter the payment information and click the Proceed button to return to the Order Management page.

b.      The status of the order is set to Pending, inventory is committed, and GL Entries are made.

21.  Depending on the settings in Features Management, the Financial Status for the Order may be automatically updated from “Pending” to “Approved” when the Payment Information is entered.  This may also be set manually by selecting “Approved” from the drop down list.

22.  If applicable, click Print Order to print a hard copy of the Order in a printer friendly format.

a.       Select a printer and click Print.

b.      Close the window containing the printer friendly order format.

23.  When finished, click the Close button to exit the Order Management page.  If additional changes were made after clicking the Process button, a prompt is displayed to save the changes, otherwise it will return to the Search for Orders page without prompting to save.