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Donations Feature in Detail
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Donations Features Management page:


To access the Donations Feature Management page click on the features icon located on the Site Management menu column of the Main Administration Menu (Ctrl-Alt-m). Then click on the Donation Link . 



  • Page Title – used to define the page title for the Donations Entry page.
  • Instructions – used to define instructions that are displayed below the page title on the Donations Entry page.  The  HTML Editor option can be used to create and edit the instructions.
  • Confirmation Checkbox Label – used to have contributor confirm a statement by checking a checkbox.  E.g. a political action organization might need to confirm “I’m a citizen of the USA and 18 years or older”; a winery might need to confirm “I’m 21 years or older”.
  • Auto Broadcast Template – used to select a broadcast template used to format the email sent to the contributor.
  • Administrator Notification Template – used to select a broadcast template used to format the email sent to the specified administrator.
  • Administrator Notification Email – enter the email of an administrator to receive notification each time a donation is submitted.


Saves the Donations Features Management settings entered on this page.

Print the current page (contents of your browser window) according to your browser’s print settings. 

Close the page discarding all entries and edits.

Close the page and save changes.  PORTALPRODIGY will prompt to save changes.  OK response saves changes, closes page, and returns to previous page.  CANCEL response discards all entries and edits (same as Cancel button).



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