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Credit Application Features in Detail
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Process Credit Application (Approve/Deny)

Once a credit application has been submitted, Credit Application Management can be used to process the credit application.  The Credit Application Management page provides fields for tracking the verification results and credit evaluation.  Use Search for Credit Apps to locate and select a Credit Application.


Once the application is selected, use the Verified, Comments and Credit Ratings fields to record the results of your evaluation. 


If credit is declined:

§         Set Credit Status to Declined.

§         Save the Credit Application.  Upon saving, PORTALPRODIGY will update the customer’s record setting the customer’s Credit Status to Declined.  If the application is for an increase in the customer’s credit limit and it is disapproved, the customer’s Credit Status and Credit Limit are not updated.


If the credit is approved:

§         Set Credit Status to Approved.

§         Select Credit Terms.

§         Enter a Credit Limit.

§         Save the Credit Application.  Upon saving, PORTALPRODIGY will update the customer’s record setting the customer’s Credit Status to Approved and updating their Credit Limit. 


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