PortalProdigy - The Complete Internet Interaction Management System for Small Business and NonProfits
Get Artistic With Tables and But

Get Artistic With Tables and Buttons on Greeting Page


Some advanced users like to add their own buttons and table format to the greeting table. It’s easy to do.  We suggest using FrontPage as an editor to create your page. DO NOT use scripts, asp, or anything that requires FrontPage extensions. Use HTML!


  1. Be sure to use the proper index page to support folder relationship as required by the Portal Prodigy system for import. Read the chapter titled “Document Resource Library in Detail”.

      1. Prepare images and store the in support folder. Do not copy and paste images into FrontPage document. Instead use the insert picture from file command. IMPORTANT: FrontPage will save edited pictures in a default file if you do not specifically instruct it to save pictures to support folder.


      1. Insert and size table in document.


      1. Insert images


      1. If using FrontPage, right click images then click hyperlink to add a hyperlink. Or, write code as following sample indicates:


      <p><a href="http://www.portalprodigy.com"><img border="0" src="yourname_files/button150.jpg" width="150" height="34"></a></p>

      1. Insert text as desired


      1. If using FrontPage, add line effects using cell properties to add colorful borders if desired.


      1. Save the page.


      1. On the Greeting Management page of your Portal Prodigy site, delete all content in the Greeting Message memo field.


      1. Click on the HTML Editor button


      1. Copy and paste the table or page from the Design window of FrontPage and paste it into the Edit Document window of your Portal Prodigy site.


      1. Click the Close button and save on the Edit Document Page.


      1. Click the Save button on the Greeting Management page.


      1. Click on the Editor icon to review your greeting.


      1. If an image icon appears instead of the actual image, you made a path mistake building your page. The best solution is to fix the problem in Portal Prodigy’s HTML editor. You can do this by using the insert picture tool of the Edit Document page tool bar.  Read the section titled “Document Editor” of the Chapter titled “Document Resource Library in Detail” and read the tutorial titled “Using The HTML Editor”.


      1. Don’t forget to save the page